Monday, June 3, 2024

Action Figure #146: Marvel Legends Spider-Shot

  See? Miles Morales could perfectly be Spider-Sword.

 I don't know if I'd call him popular, but Spider-Shot certainly was interesting. A Peter Parker that left Mary Jane and was trained by Spider-man into a well-meaning assassin. I wouldn't have guessed that he'd get an action figure... but I appreciate it!
 So, the guy looks a bit like Superior and Miles Morales, with the whole red head-and-upper-torso, but he came before both of them! The guy has no webbing pattern, so he looks simpler, but I still like it. The sculpt is nothing special, but he has some pouches on his waist and.... and some of the ugliest hips in Marvel Legends. Look how separated the legs are from the pelvis. I was not the only one hoping that, somehow, the reveal renders were wrong, or that it would be fixed by the time it released... but it wasn't. Look, all in all, it's not a HUGE issue, but... c'mon. I also don't know if I quite like that the shoot effects go inside the hands, as in the comic book it came out of his wrist.
 The articulation is, well, he's similar to the Sunfire buck, the only differences being that his torso is on a ball joint, and the ab crunch is on a hinge joint rather than a swivel joint. Y'know, it's what Spidey needs to look cool when posed. He is slightly taller than the Bucky-Cap mold.
 Legs aside, I like this guy. He looks cool, and I love the idea behind him. I like having him around my Spider-men... as long as he doesn't try to shoot them.

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