Monday, June 3, 2024

Action Figure #144: Batman Legacy CatMan

  Another kitty, this one's an orange tabby.

 Enter the Catman. This figure is, as of me writing this, the last DC figure I own. What figures will alternate with Marvel Legends now? Guess we'll have to wait and see!
 I really dig how this guy looks, Orange and Reds, what's not to love? He's on the more muscular DCUC buck, and his head it a bit small, much like the older Batman figures. He also came with two weapons, knuckle dusters of sorts, but I don't like them too much because you have to finagle them ont his hands if you want them to stay put. He has a few straps, a belt and a cape, but otherwise, a pretty basic sculpt.
 The articulation is par for the course, and his height too, making him slightly taller than the Bucky-Cap mold.
 Well, Catman is one of those basic figures, but thanks to how much I like the character and like how he looks I like a lot.

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