Sunday, June 2, 2024

Action Figure #126: Marvel Legends God Emperor Dr. Doom

  Leto II did it first.

 When it was time to get my Dr. Doom I had to pick between three options, and while now I kinda wish I had gotten a more classic, green Doom, at the time, it made sense to go with the GOD EMPEROR DOOM. And maybe it paid off, considering the Cabal three pack that is about to come out...
 The sculpt is really nice, the guy looks badass, and the way the skirt was done it doesn't get in the way of his movement. That said, this guy is also victim to a widespread QC issue: His crotch breaks easily. Talk about impotence! Since the crotch is hidden, I made this very rustic fix in which I bonded the broken pieces with melted plastic from a CD case. You may call me Mr. Handyman.
 The articulation is a bit stiff on this guy. I mean, he is a guy in a suit of armor, so not being the most dynamic poser is not that big of an issue. His arms can't rest straight because of the elbow-pad he has, and he's got not ab crunch what so ever. His waist does have a ball joint, so you can get some range there to make up for the lack of an ab crunch. But then again, he is a guy in a metal suit, should he really be able to bend his torso forward? The guy is slightly taller than the Bucky Cap mold.
 He is a good figure, he looks really good, but I don't know how high I can score a guy that has a widespread QC issue.

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