Friday, September 30, 2022

Game #1247: Dark Sector

  Shouldn't it be darkSector? Why does every site have it as 'Dark Sector'? I'm in the dark!

 My quest to play forgotten action games on the PS3 that I skipped continues, and Dark Sector is up next. Following the trend of my latest playthroughs, it's another third-person shooter, but, hey, this time around the protagonist doesn't wield a sword....he wields a Glaive.

 The plot is interesting because there's barely any of it, and it barely makes any sense. There's a reason for it, apparently, the people editing were so familiar with the plot that they forgot that some details actually SHOULD to be told to the audience. That aside, the game is your standard, linear, third-person shooter. It's also very, very grey, and there's not much variety in the environments or enemies. Exploration is rewarded with Money and Upgrades. Money can be spent to purchase weapons for good, since guns you pick up from fallen enemies explode after a few seconds, or to allot upgrades into your permanent guns' slots. As you advance through the game, better guns turn up for purchase, and you'd better mind your expenses, as money becomes rather scarce late in the game, and the last thing you'd want is for your main gun and side-arm to use the same ammo type!

 The shooting is alright, just your average third-person cover-based shootouts, although the game has a few puzzles here and there to break the monotony. Most puzzles are of the elemental variety, you have to hit something that caught on fire, is electrified or is frozen in order to add that element to your Glaive, and then use the elementally charged Glaive on something else. This elementally charged Glaive can also be used in battle, what's more, while your main gun takes both of your hands, you can dual wield your side arm alongside your Glaive.

 As you advance through the plot you'll actually gain new abilities, like a timed-Glaive throw for bonus damage, the ability to control the Glaive directly after you throw it(Make sure to turn off the motion controls for this!!), and even turn invisible. Oh! There are a few turret sections too, and they are kinda lame, because either they do scrap damage or the accuracy blows. The fire effects actually make it hard to see where you are shooting at.

 Dark Sector is a pretty decent third person shooter, and I won't deny that using the Glaive feels really nice, but ultimately... it's pretty forgettable. You fight the three-four enemy types, around the samey brown and grey environments over and over again. But it's alright while it lasts.


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