Thursday, June 30, 2022

Game #1204: SSX Tricky


 SSX was alright, but now I see why so many people love SSX Tricky. Despite how many snowboarding games I have, I'm really not into the genre, however, I can still appreciate why this one is so beloved.

 The game is, at first glance, identical to the original game. You have the same modes: World Circuit, Practice, Showoff(Score the most points doing tricks) and Racing against other snowboarders, it also adds a time challenge(You vs your times). You get a sizeable roster of snowboarders, some returning, some new, who also get alternate outfits as well as other snowboards that change their stats. 

 First of all... I still don't enjoy the World Circuit mode. Frankly, I think forcing you to play the same track many times in order to actually get gold is pure, unnecessary filler. I guess I kinda get it, as there are only 10 tracks, and one of them can only be played in Free Ride and the other one is a Show Off exclusive, but I'd much rather have a smaller game that respects my time instead of one that has you replaying the same thing just because. 

 That said... I loved all the tracks. All the new downward slopes are amazing, and there's a new take on the lapped track from the previous game too. Every track has many shortcuts, signaled by breakable glass, as well as shortcuts you can make yourself if you decide to jump over some sloped curves! Many of the snowboarding games I've played these past few years didn't have many memorable tracks, this game is the complete opposite. And they are very well designed to boot! If anything, I feel as if the 8th track is a bit too lengthy, but then again, maybe that's its whole point.

 The game itself plays pretty much identical to the original game, sans for a few little things, most important of all, you can now turn while holding down X. And you twist and turn in the air by holding down a direction on the D-Pad. It's still not a perfect solution, what's the problem with making it play like in Tony Hawk?, but it makes playing the game much more comfortable than before. There are new UBER tricks, if you fill your Boost gauge, by performing tricks and not crashing or using the boost, you'll enter TRICKY mode. During tricky, all your tricks, done with the shoulder button, change, but the R2+Square now becomes the UBER trick, which instantly refills your turbo/tricky meter. This means that if you manage to keep chaining Uber Tricks you'll keep getting turbo! I like this, it adds a nice risk and reward system.

 Another new feature are alliances and rivalries. As you play events you'll have snowboarders that won't compete with you, friendlies, and others that will try to knock you down, enemies. Adding to this are rivalry cutscenes before and after a race, which adds a ton of flavor to the game.

 SSX Tricky is really good, it might as well be the best Snowboarding game I've covered, and I enjoyed it almost as much as I enjoyed Snowboard Kids. What can I say, Nostalgia weighs heavily sometimes. But I digress, SSX is an excellent sequel, and why I can't say I enjoy the genre, I understand why so many people fell in love with this game.


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