Thursday, November 26, 2020

Game #882: Sayonara Wild Hearts

 The coolest, most badass 70's infused acid-trip.
 What is Sayonara Wild Hearts? It's hard to explain, but it's kind of a on-rails runner in which stuff happens at the beat of whichever song is playing. It's also a story about heartbreak, self love and a bunch of other stuff that's hidden beneath it's very stylish aesthetics.

 In the game, the nameless heroine is constantly moving forward, so you have to move from side to side in order to dodge obstacles, enemies or projectiles. Every now and then you'll also get a few button prompts to act, once again, at the beat of the song. The game is INCREDIBLY cool, the aesthetics are simple, but the animations and the things the protagonist must go through are nothing short of jaw-dropping.

 Clearly there's a big emphasis on music, and thankfully, the soundtrack is fantastic. Both me and my girlfriend wound up hearing the OST after finishing the game, it's that good.

 The game is on the short side, we finished it in about two hours, but it's really fun, and it's entertaining as a spectator, which is how I spent 95% of the playthrough as my girlfriend handled the game, because everything looks SO cool, and the implied narrative is honestly very endearing.

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