Wednesday, August 5, 2020

Game #839: Marvel VS Capcom Infinite

 Should've saved this title for MvC 8.
 Marvel VS Capcom Infinite has a bad rep, but here and now I'm about to defend this game from scorned X-men fans, because dammit, it's a good game!

 Alright, so I really dug the new gameplay, not as much as MvC 3 mind you, but still. Which is quite curious considering I prefer MvC's 2 vs 2 over MvC 2's 3 vs 3, but whatever. Making combos is a zinch, and landing hits feels really good.

 I also dug the story mode, which received a lot of criticism, but I disagree and disavow it. It's short and dumb, just the way it should. I kept chuckling at how ridiculous and dumb the plot could get.

 The graphics are not as bad as everyone makes them out to be, and I really dug how beefy and chunky characters like Captain America and Black Panther looked. That said, some of the more human faces can look downright weird, like Dante's and Morrigan's. And as much as I dug these thick heroes, Haggar just doesn't look right. Still, I'll be the first to admit that the game should've gone for a cellshaded look, as this realistic style makes characters like Arthur and X stand out like sore thumbs.

 The roster is a huge mixed bag. Most people HATED this game because it didn't have the X-Men, which I think is ridiculous, and the Marvel side of this game is fine. The Capcom side however.... felt boring and safe. It doesn't help the fact that most characters return from MvC 3 and are pretty much identical to how they used to be. To add insult to injury, the game has a 30 character roster, less than base MvC 3, and even if you factor in the DLC characters we'd still be 2 characters short(if we take into account Shuma and Jill, otherwise they'd be matched). Although I'll admit that even though a lot of animations are recycled, most characters have at least one new move. All that said, I got to play as Jedah in 3-D, so I'm pretty satisfied, overall.

 I thought it was good, I thought it was fun. It's definitely not the best in the series, but it's still a fun time.


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