Tuesday, September 12, 2023

Game #1341: Prodeus

 I might be needing glasses, 'cause everything looks blurry.

 Well, the rise of the boomershooter is here, and here is Prodeus. The latest following the trend, it's a fast-paced FPS that borrows plenty from Doom, albeit classic Doom.

 The first thing that you'll notice is that the game looks very blurry. I think it attempts to emulate sprites, but I didn't think the overall look was very... good, at least on Switch. It was done on purpose, quite clearly, but I didn't quite like it. I think you can turn the sprites into 3-D models, but I went for the look that the developers actually intended.

 The game is very lengthy, it has a ton of levels.... for good or o bad. In my case.... I felt it dragged on for too long. There isn't a whole lot of enemy variety, and the weapon system is gimped due to how many weapons share ammo. There are three guns that use bullets, and I never, ever, went back to the first pistol. I switched between the Uzis and the Minigun just for variety's sake. There are also three different shotguns... and why? I always hate it when FPS games have guns that share ammo pools, because you'll always fall back on the ones you like the best. Rockets are shared between the Rocket Launcher and the Grenade Launcher, and I never felt the need to use the GL when the RL got the job done. Yeah, not a good choice. Plus, the weapon-select screen makes it look as if there were more weapons than there actually are, as some slots will never be filled.

 Every level has a bunch of Ore hidden away which can be used to buy new weapons or new perks, such as a double jump or extra ammo capacity. It was pretty neat, but there's a lot of Ore you simply can't get to without the double jump or the dash jump, so making me replay levels wasn't a very appealing idea considering how lengthy the game is already.

 Prodeus is fine, it's an alright game, but I felt it dragged every now and then, so taking breaks every now and then helped. Honestly, if I wanted my modern retro boomershooter fix, I'd stick to Doom or Dusk.


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