Tuesday, May 2, 2023

Game #1324: Samurai Warriors - Spirit of Sanada

 AKA Samurai Warriors 4-IV

 Gotta hand it to Koei-Tecmo, as they managed to somehow squeeze another entry in Samurai Warriors 4, as they developed Samurai Warriors: Spirit of Sanada just in time to celebrate some anniversary involving Nobushige/Yukimura Sanada.

 The most interesting part about this entry is that you can seen how it's sort of a stepping stone before Samurai Warriors 5, as they did away with the silly per-character scenarios, instead opting to go with the Dynasty Warriors 7 way of having a more faithful retelling of the story, however, instead of getting to choose a clan or something... you only get to experience the Sanada bloodline's story. They also introduced aging... to a very select few characters, which is sorta silly considering Yukimura meets Kunoichi when he is a child, and he ends up looking WAY older than her since she only gets a single character model. To be fair, a few chapters include some Sanada-less battles you can follow, and replaying any mission allows you to use any character, so being limited to the Sanadas and whoever happen to be their allies at the time is not as limiting as it sounds.

 The rest of the game is your standard Warriors fare, which is fine by me as I adore this 1 vs 1000 style of game. A few chapters are a bit slow-paced, and only have you talking with NPCs, going from point A or B, which works to tell a story.... but feels a bit boring, since I play Warriors game to bash skulls in the first place.

 Being restricted to the Sanada's point of view feels a bit lazy, particularly considering how well they've done the 'faithful' approaches in Dynasty Warriors, but knowing how they'd go about Samurai Warriors 5, it makes sense, as this was probably some sort of experiment. And it worked. The game is pretty fun, but I guess by now people were a bit tired of the world of SW 4.


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