Thursday, November 3, 2022

Game #1266: Marvel Super Hero Squad - The Infinity Gauntlet

 The gauntlet of dullness.

 I was never, ever interested in Marvel Super Hero Squad: The Infinity Gauntlet, however, the seller was selling it alongside the infinitely superior game Wet, so I wound up with this one too. I kinda wish I hadn't.

 The game is based off of a children's Marvel show, so of course, this is a dumb licensed game for children. I did some digging, and it turns out there was a Marvel Super Hero Squad game before, and this previous game actually had more characters than this one. Which is absolutely ridiculous considering Captain America is DLC. Mother truckin' Captain America is DLC, let that sink in. So we are already starting off on the wrong foot, the playable character roster is SMALLER than the one in the previous game, and about half of the roster is DLC.

 In short, the game is a linear beat'em up made up of 12 stages, on each stage you play as a different duo of pre-selected characters that play basically the same. Three hit combo, a charged attack and a ranged attack. Some characters have different skills, such as 'animal factor', but all this means is that they can interact with different elements in the environment. That sucks! This is a Marvel Super Heroes game, playing as my favorite characters should've been an imperative, instead, you are forced to play as a specific couple of characters. You can replay any stage in Free Play, but... you still can't pick the characters you take on each level. Lame.

 The game feels super janky. Movement feels as janky as it looks, and the feedback from your attacks doesn't feel satisfying at all. It's a mindless masher, and mashing buttons doesn't feel good. It doesn't help just how cheap everything feels, as if it was a mobile game ported to the PS3.

 Each character has three challenges, like finding X amount of something, or using that character to defeat X amount of an enemy type, and these challenges unlock costumes and maps for the Multiplayer minigame mode. Sounds neat, doesn't it? Well, the costumes can only be used in Challenge Mode, not in Story Mode. Seriously?

 Boring. Annoying. Plays like garbage, and has genius ideas such as charging for a character as intrinsical to the modern Marvel universe as is Captain America or not letting you pick which characters you want to play as. Turns out we found it, the definite bottom of the barrel.


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