Thursday, January 6, 2022

Game #1136: Dragon Ball Z - Battle of Z

  The title is missing one Z, 'cause it's puttin' me to sleep.

 Dragon Ball Z Densetsu is one of my favorite Dragon Ball Z games, so I was hype as soon as I discovered Dragon Ball Z: Battle of Z would have four on four battles. I really liked the demo, but then the reviews came out and... it wasn't pretty, so I've avoided the game all those years. I did well.

 The concept is brilliant, you create a team of four characters from the world of DBZ and fight other teams. You can customize characters from their colors, which is really fun even if some colors(Hair, Skin) are off the table, and then you can equip cards to make them stronger. But that's about it.

 First of all, no offline multiplayer, no VS, no Co-op, so if you're playing by yourself, the annoying story mode is all you get. There's not even Free Battle VS the CPU. Look, the character roster is fine.... except that Vegetto is DLC, which is incredibly stupid, particularly since characters are quite simple when it comes to movesets and animations.

 The Story mode follows a truncated version of the story, which is fine, but some stages have some weird limitations. You can't use Future Trunks outside the Cell Games, or Adult Gohan before the Buu saga, or Villains in main story chapters.... But you can make a team of four identical Gokus? Or a team made up of all forms of Vegeta? It makes no sense. You can lift these stupid limitations if you finish every missions, however. It's still annoying anyways, as it's a game about creating a team of characters and customizing them, but the game, which barely follows the game's plot, forces you to use certain characters but places somewhat arbitrary rules? Not  good.

 The Story Mode is incredibly annoying. Enemies are incredibly overpowered, encouraging you to grind for better cards to enhance your characters with. In particular, enemies have a lot of Super Armor and will just decide to teleport out of your combos just because they can. Or peter you with seemingly endless projectiles as you try to approach them. And when they are low on health, they love spamming their super moves, something you can't do as you have an actual energy gauge. There aren't a lot of defensive options, so as soon as you get caught in a combo you'll get wrecked

 But that's only part of the problem, the biggest problem is that the AI is as dumb as bricks. First of all, the AI levels up per character, so as soon as the game forces you to pick other characters you'll return to low-level AIs, but even at their highest... they are still awful. They will never, EVER prioritize reviving you, costing you continues. It's particularly bad when they hang close to you doing NOTHING but staying still as the counter reaches 0 and you have to use a continue.

 A lot of people gave up on the game in the Cell Tournament, I almost did too. You are fighting a SINGLE AI opponent, and even then, the CPU will find ways to die and not revive you. It's so egregious, there are four of you, and not ONE of them will decide to go revive you, instead just hang around doing absolutely nothing. It was a harrowing experience, I must've wasted an hour on this single stage.

 And it sucks, because the gameplay reminded me so much of Legends. You have a single attack button, and a weak projectile button. You fly around and hit enemies to get Ki, which can then be used for pursuit attacks, strong beams or one of two special moves. As you land attacks, specially team pursuit combos, you'll fill the momentum gauge, this one never goes down and as it increases your maximum Ki goes up, eventually granting you access to your super moves, and increasing the amount of hits on your attack combo. I liked this system a lot, while it's super basic, it's enough for the more chaotic 4 on 4 battles. And in the early stages of the game, before they got super cheap, I was enjoying the game.

 I found the game's mechanics to be more than satisfactory, but there's no local multiplayer and, for a single player, nothing beyond the story missions. Story missions that are stacked against you, with horrible AI Companions and incredibly cheap opposition. It's not a fun game, but what really sucks... is that it could've been.


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