Friday, September 10, 2021

Game #1080: Power Rangers Battle for the Grid - Super Edition(Switch)

 Enough Red Rangers to make up an entire squad.

 I've covered a lot of Battle for the Grid before, so I'll focus on what I haven't and what's new with Power Rangers: Battle for the Grid - Super Edition. This, maybe, final release includes all three seasons of DLC plus pre-order bonus on the cart, which is about time, as the game has had two other physical releases, either missing stuff or having stuff on vouchers.

 The new characters are: The purple Gekiranger(ADORE), Scorpina and the red female Shinkenger. Since Shinkenger and Gekiranger are my favorite sentai series, you can probably guess that I love the new characters. There's also Ryu and Chun-li as rangers, and they look amazing. They also play quite different, with directional inputs for special moves! Ryu gets a helmetless costume, why doesn't Chun-Li get one too? What gives?

 These five new characters have Story-Modes that are more unique than the previous characters had... and I hated them. They go on for way too long, featuring way more than just 8 fights, and they switch your two team mates around, which I hated since I wanted to play with specific characters.

 There were a few changes, now the Zords get their own gauges and you can preform counter attacks with them, they feel weaker than before too, although harder to block. This change works pretty well I think. You can now change the AI settings... but it's worthless, as the AI seems pretty darn random, even on easy they'll perform super lengthy, almost-touch of death combos.

 What hasn't changed: No more modes. And only two colors per character, the secondary costume almost always being black, with red and grey details, making for monotonous and boring recolors. Chun-Li gets the best alternate color, since the blue disappears completely.

 If Battle for the Grid ends like this... I'd be content. It's been a good run. It could've been better, but I'm happy with the end result.


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