Friday, March 1, 2019

The DLC Report: Travis Strikes Back - DLC #1 : Black Dandelion

 Shinobu's back, yo!
 It sucks, don't buy it unless you got it for free.

 Let me explain. Travis Strikes Back, the game, is worth every penny. This DLC is not. For $4 all you get is a new visual-novel scenario and Shinobu as a playable character.
 I love Shinobu, alright? Her new outfit is a bit on the skimpy side, but I think the black and yellow scheme fits her well, and the scarf is badass. Her 3 exclusive skills are fairly fun too, and she has new dialogue throughout the game. Her old voice actress reprises her role, for the very few lines she gets to spew. But there's no more content, it's just a character and one that you can't even use on a new game, as she becomes playable upon finishing the main game. As for her stats, she shares Travis' stat growth. In this game characters are pretty similar, and combat doesn't have much depth outside the four Skills... which run on a shared pool, so she's basically a glorified skin for Travis. That's all she is... and she can't even be played on the last level.

 As for the visual-novel style scenario, it's a 6-chapter long backstory to Badman and why he wants Travis' head. All six chapters together are probably as long as Travis' first chapter. I'll admit that I enjoyed his backstory a lot, I did, but... it's too short for the price.
 It pains me to say it, but this DLC simply isn't worth it. Travis Strikes Back was pretty good by itself, and this DLC adds nothing of worth(Well, that's a bit mean considering how much I liked Badman's scenario, but it was too short!). It'd be a different story if it added a new game, but for that we'll have to wait until DLC #2...
3.5 out of 10

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