Friday, November 30, 2018

Gundam Versus Impressions Part 4(Z, Iron Blooded Orphans)

Hyaku Shiki
 Maybe it's a bit stronger than it used to be, since it's now a 400 cost instead of 2000, but this suit is pretty much exactly the same as it was in Extreme VS. That means that Hyaku Shiki covers pretty much every base, a bazooka shot, a gerobi, beam rifle(With cartridges instead of waiting for it to recharge) and pretty decent melee. It helps that it's my favorite design in Gundam.

Zeta Gundam
 I think the shield-recoil shot has been changed, and now, assuming it did, is an area-of-effect stun blast. Other than that, it's the same exact suit that it used to be, but it got bumped up to 500... which probably isn't its best fit since it doesn't have all that many different tools to work with.

Super Gundam
 Another unit that hasn't changed much, if at all, the Super Gundam is a fantastic suit, with good melee and a decent amount of projectile weapons.... and then you turn on the Super Mode in which case it becomes a long-range monster, with quick gerobis and strong beam attacks, not to mention a devastating flurry of missiles. I love it.

Gundam Mk II
 A very basic mobile suit, it has a standard beam rifle(cartridge based) and decent melee, but it feels a bit lacking and boring. The blade-beam projectile is strong, but it doesn't manage to make it stand out among other suits.

NEW Nemo
 Quick question: Who asked for the Nemo? It's one of the weakest 200 cost units I've tried yet, with a pathetic beam rifle and pathetic melee attacks. It has a neat side-step attack in which the Nemo mounts a flier and shoots three times, as well as a sticky glue that might make it useful as a support unit, but other than that.... it's terrible.

NEW Methuss
 I used to love this guy back when I first played Gundam Z VS Gundam. This boy can heal himself and resupply ammo, he's kinda fun to use but his close-ranged attacks leave a lot to be desired. Probably one of the weakest 200 units I've tried, but I guess his healing abilities make up for it.

NEW Rick Dias
 The Rick Dias is one of the most iconic suits in the franchise, it's surprising it took him this long to get in! He's a great all-around unit that works well at any range, although its low 200 cost means he is better suited for support. I loved his behind-the-back shot with the turrets on his back!

NEW Marasai
 I've always found the Marasai an interesting unit because it looks like a Samurai Zaku, and that's badass. This guy is very fast, with a bunch of fantastic long-range tools to zone his enemies. Plus, a manual reload makes him pretty darn useful. I liked him a lot, although I think they should've made him a tougher close-range unit.

NEW Gabthley
 This fellow looks like a long-range specialist, but its actually an all-around type. He's got good melee, good beams and a decent gerobi attack. His fast melee makes him a pest you don't want getting close to you. Its also got a MA mode to close in on faster.

 Looks can be deceiving! The guy looks like a fast attacker, he's got a MA mode 'n everything, but this one is very slow. Slow projectiles and slow attacks makes for a bulky tank. Can't say I liked him too much.

The O
 I liked this guy back in Extreme VS, but... he feels so weak in this one. His long-distance and mid-range tools feel very weak, and his melee is average at best. To top it off, his super move blows.

Mobile Suit Gundam - Iron Blooded Orphans

NEW Gundam Kimaris Trooper
 This guy looks really dumb, so I didn't really want to play as him, however, he proved himself a very fun close-range unit to use. His bullets are pathetic, but his got a few nifty close range attack as well as a forward flight-bullet hail attack that's pretty good to close distances. Probably one of my favorite new units.

NEW Gundam Barbatos
 Another suit that took me by surprise, this puppy shoots missiles from his giant club, the same giant club he swings around with reckless abandon. It's glorious. He also has a Katana it can throw against his enemies, use it on his Super Move or on his Forward+Attack attack string. While his mid-range missiles are pretty dope, this guy is built for close range, he's got a swift dash as well as a few neat command-special moves with his club.

Bonus: Mobile Suit Gundam

Gundam RX-78
 Plays exactly like he has played before: The beam rifle, the hyper hammer, the bazooka, Final Shooting... everything is here and accounted for. There's nothing much else to say about it, probably the best unit to start playing the game with.

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