Friday, March 7, 2025

Action Figure #541: Figma #363 Joker(Persona 5)

 Stealing hearts... plastic hearts

 I didn't write about Persona 5... and that's because the game screwed me over and sent me back and I lost hours upon hours of progress. That said, I liked what I played, and I liked Joker and how he looked... so here we are!
 As per usual with Figma, the sculpt is gorgeous. Joker is a slim and sleek figure, very small and short, but as detailed as the design allowed. They knocked the likeness out of the park, and there's a certain elegance to the design. He comes with an alternate hair piece, that has his domino mask, three different face plates, 4 pair of hands, his knife, his gun, the mandatory Figma stand and.... Morgana! Morgana has an articulated head and needs his own small stand to, well, be able to stand.
 His articulation is good, for the most part. His elbows and knees are made up of a single joint. He has no swivels, but you can rotate the arm at the elbow, if needed, albeit not his legs. Since Figma uses ball joints, his shoulder can also rotate... but it's not as good as a swivel. He has a ball joint at the waist and a hidden ball joint for his ab crunch, and it has excellent range. The coattails of his jacket is divided into three parts that have a ball-joint each, allowing you to articulate them. The real big issue is that he has no butterfly joints, so you can't get decent cross-armed poses with his arms stretched outwards, heck, he can't hold his arms straight forward, since his arms move diagonally, kinda lame! His head is on a ball joint, but he doesn't have much range to look up. 
 I found the way they had the ball-joints for his coattails rather ingenious!
 His booties are a bit weird, so getting him to stand on a neutral stand can be a bit of a hassle. He is quite a bit shorter than Bucky Cap... and quite smaller, in proportions, to other Figmas! 
 Joker is fine, for the most part, but the articulation could've been a bit better. But really, that's it. He is a perfectly fine figure, but nothing special.

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