Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Action Figure #433: DC Direct Wonder Girl(Cass)

  This is wondrous, another Wonder Girl!

 Well, I wasn't quite so happy with my Wonder Girl figure. While DCUC figures are certainly dated, Cassandra's was extra clunky. From the weird proportions to... well, everything about it, so  I thought... why not get another take on the same character?
 Well, as per usual, DC Direct leaves aside articulation in order to prioritize the sculpt, and... look at the comparison! She's much smaller, as she should, her legs don't look all wonky, her expression doesn't look devoid of emotions, the symbol on her chest looks much better and the colors are more vibrant. Easily a much better figure all around.
 That said... yeah, the articulation kinda sucks. She can turn her hands, but no swivels anywhere, and her legs can only move forward and backward. She has single jointed elbows and knees, but there's not much you can get out of them, and her arms can move sideways and upwards. I mean... it's decent, but nothing special. BUT, to be fair, DCUC's figure was only slightly more articulated than this!
 Her lasso is kinda pathetic. It consists of a few strands of golden thread knit together. It will probably come undone any time now.
 That's as far as the arms can move sideways It's not too bad.
 Y'know, I dig this take on the character. Much more vibrant, in both color and sculpt, so I'll take the loss on articulation and get a better looking fig out of it.

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