Wednesday, April 5, 2023

Game #1319: Cruis'n Blast

  The most obnoxious game out there, and proud of it.

 Cruis'n was a series I wasn't familiar with until a few years ago, and boy, was I missing out. Cruis'n Blast is quite different from the original, and it takes things up to eleven.

 The good news? It's still a A-to-B kind of racing game, which I much prefer to laps. On the other hand, the game is made up of mostly very brief tracks, few going over a minute long. Heck, A lot of tracks are repeated albeit with different themes, such as being chased by the police or having UFOs, which means that there aren't as many unique tracks as I would've liked.

 That said, this game is as in your face and as obnoxious as it gets. Its colorful, too colorful, and you can have all sorts of obnoxious and ridiculous neon upgrades and metallic painting on your vehicles. Heck, you can drive a Shark, a Helicopter and even a Unicorn, and you too can customize their color and add neon upgrades to them. This game is crazy ridiculous, it knows it and it revels in it. And I love it.

 In other words, the game is a lot of fun. It's not very deep, and it's definitely style over substance, but it works and it kept me hooked for a spell. A sequel with more content would be amazing.


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