Monday, February 18, 2013

First Archimpressions: Metroid Other M

 I wanted to like it....
I'm in the Forest Zone(Area 1) right now, so I think it's safe to mark down my initial impressions:

 First thing that must be noted, the game is gorgeous. These are probably the best graphics I've seen on a Wii game. And the CG is very pretty too. And hopefully you like watching, 'cause it's a very cinematic game, there's a lot of looking and not playing, at least for now.
 While I didn't like Samus' voice at first, eventually it sank in, that cold, monotonous voice actually fits a battle hardened Bounty Hunter really, really well. This is how I expect a Bounty Hunter to sound like. I do think there's a bit too much exposition though, Samus tends to overanalyze everything, ""Outsider" the word he so carefully chose", "Called like that because bla bla bla", and I'm not sure if I like it or not. One thing I've always loved about comic books, is when the hero narrates, so you read what he thinks, so I kinda like having Samus' thoughts at all times, but sometimes I just want to shoot stuff sooner!.
 Speaking of shooting, my first try at the game felt awesome, really Arcadey(Read: Fast and simple), just the way I like games... at least until I reached the first boss, and I started to notice how awkward shooting missiles is. You have to stay put in place in order to shoot. You can't move at all. "Alright, I'll just shoot after it attacks", yeah, it's still complicated, because: A) You have to point at the screen with the Wiimote, and Samus won't be looking at where you point, oh no, she'll be looking in whatever direction she was before you moved the Wiimote. This wouldn't be so bad, but the game is played with the Digital pad, so having to position yourself after dodging is not entirely comfortable and B) You have to Hold B at where you want to shoot the missiles before pressing A to shoot them. It makes shooting missiles a tad more time consuming than it should. I said the game was Arcade-like, so it's fast, having to stop moving, and aim at something takes time and is cumbersome, but the enemies still move fast, leaving you vulnerable to attacks. Just wait until you reach zones filled with tiny enemies and you have to aim missiles at certain particular spots(Sometimes other moving enemies), targeting the right enemy is no easy matter, specially with the rest of the enemies attacking you. The game is not hard, even though enemies take huge chunks out of your HP, but the odd control scheme makes it hard. Way harder than it'd be otherwise.
 The game does away with enemy drops, so how do you recharge Missiles and health? For missiles, stay put in place, hold the wii-mote up and the A button, and after some seconds they will fully recharge. As for HP, you can only heal when your HP falls below a certain threshold, and then you have to follow the same procedure for recharging missiles. It breaks the flow of the game, and mid-boss battle is not easy to pull off.
 The story is very awkward, how'd Samus get so attached to the baby metroid? Why is Adam such an a$$, yet Samus holds him in such a high regard? Not to mention, I've heard about the "Paralyzed with fear due to Ridley". Dude, you killed Ridley once, you shouldn't be scared... sigh... Funny thing, even knowing how bad the story got, after playing the game, I wanted to like it. Older Arcade and NES games didn't need a story, and after playing the tutorial of the game, and seeing how good it felt, I thought that maybe it could go beyond a bad story, maybe the game was better than the sum of it's parts. But nope, bad controls ruin any game. How can you enjoy what you can't play?

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